How to stay consistent with your fitness routine
The method I’ll tell you is so simple, it will blow your mind and if you apply it, it will change your life. I guarantee!
If you’ve ever tried starting your journey but found yourself caught up with life, you’ve likely been frustrated.
Then you might have tried to restart your fitness journey, only to find yourself mired down with life’s urgencies.
If so, it is likely that you’ve gone through this cycle over and over again to the point you’ve almost given up on achieving your dream physique.
I know how it feels.
I know it!
I have been there, done that for multiple years…until May 2022.
Since then I’ve been consistent with my training…no lags, no lack of motivation.
I’ll tell you.
I just want you to take it seriously.
The solution is simple.
Applying it is simple too.
The hard part is taking it seriously without brandishing it off as a cliche.
So you’ve to ask yourself.
Are you serious about your goals?
Have you arrived at a stage where achieving your goal is now something non-negotiable for you?
Are you ready to live up to your commitment even on the days you don’t feel like it?
If your answer to these questions is a resounding yes, you are ready to discover the method.
A resounding yes to each of the questions, without ifs and buts.
Is it a yes?
Well, that you’ve come this far into the article, it must be a resounding yes.
As promised, here’s the method:
Do 1 Pushup.
Yes, 1 pushup only…right now!
Not tomorrow, not after reading this article.
Go do 1 pushup before you read the next sentence.
I’ll wait.
Cool, I suppose you’ve done what you were supposed to.
Congratulations, then!
Congrats on starting your fitness journey once again.
The only difference this time versus the last time is this time you’re not going back to square one.
You are not going back to the old lifestyle.
You are not going back to indecisiveness.
You are not going back to the procrastination you’ve long been dealing with.
You are not going back to old compulsive habits.
How can I be so confident?
Because I have faith in you. A faith that you want to be the best version of yourself.
A faith that you do not want revisit your old self. That you’ve outgrown your previous self.
A faith that you will do whatever is in your best interest in the long run.
Because I know you will do your 1 pushup tomorrow as well.
Once you’ve done it, you just have to make sure you repeat it the following day.
That’s how simple it is.
That’s how it works.
There will soon come a point where you would want to do 2 pushups.
Then 3 pushups.
Then 5, 9, 12, 15, 20 and so on until you’re doing hundreds of them in a row.
At that point, you would be doing not just 100s of pushups, but 100s of reps of a few exercises as well.
How can I be so confident?
Coz I’ve done it…I have lived it.
In the beginning I could not do a single dip.
I wanted to do dips, but I couldn’t.
So I began with isometric version of the dips exercise.
My story is not about pushups here. It is about dips.
But how does it matter, right?
Both are upper body compound pushing exercises and my point is not about the specifications of an exercise regime any way.
My point is how to become consistent…the key principle behind my success in staying consistent with my fitness routine.
I began with isometrics because I was lazy, demotivated, and hopeless about my future at some point in my life.
I just wanted to get out of the house at least once a day so I can keep my intrusive thoughts at bay.
There would be days, in fact a few week in the beginning, where I would just head to the gym, do 5 minutes of isometrics and come back home.
May sound weird to you, reading it right now.
But if you were with me back then you would have understood how it was the single best thing I had done in the last few years.
I was able to change my environment every day.
It was a big achievement.
Very soon, those 5 minutes of isometrics became 5 minutes of repetitions, then 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60 and even twice a day of training.
A year and a half in, I am here 10 kgs lighter, significantly muscular, and way more confident about myself and hopeful about what is to come.
All it took was 1 small step.
You will experience this change too.
You’ve started the journey.
All the best.