Why Training like a Bodybuilder Is a Sheer Waste of Time
If You Want to be a Footballer, Would You Train Like a Scuba Diver?
Imagine trying to train like a scuba diver when your goal is to excel in football.
It sounds absurd, right?
Well, that’s how I feel about the current trend of adopting bodybuilding-inspired workout routines in gyms around the world.
Since I began my fitness journey, I’ve witnessed various trends come and go, but the bodybuilding-inspired training systems have stayed.
The landscape of fitness is constantly changing (I wouldn’t say evolving though), and these incredibly weird yet good-looking machines have only become more and more sophisticated.
Along with this, numerous fitness niches have cropped up.
And it’s interesting to see this increase in the number of people taking their health more seriously — or so it seems.
However, a closer look will reveal that most gym-goers aren’t actually motivated by a genuine desire to improve their health.
Instead, the driving force is usually this aspiration to improve their physical appearance and boost their Sexual Market Value (SMV).
For those in their twenties, health is mostly an after-thought.
There’s nothing wrong with aspiring to a better physique, because it comes with increased confidence, and improved self-esteem.
The real issue shows up when young folks are oblivious to the distinction between their needs and wants.
This state of being unaware leaves them susceptible to adopting fitness routines that go in the opposite direction of their actual needs and goals.
Today, information is freely available online, and fitness experts are aplenty.
In such a scenario, anyone sounding intelligent, while exuding a bit of confidence easily sways folks to follow advice that does not necessarily align with their true objectives.
It’s a common problem, and the consequences is likely to be unfavourable in the long run for such folks.
I often see fellow gym enthusiasts doing compound movements and full-body training, incorporating exercises like squats, deadlifts, and overhead presses.
I feel a mix of joy and concern though.
While these exercises will be immensely effective for certain fitness goals, they aren’t necessarily suitable for everyone.
The notion that mimicking the workout routines of professional bodybuilders will yield similar results is one of the biggest misconceptions we need to debunk.
Consider this analogy:
Would you prepare for a football match by practicing scuba diving?
The scenario is absurd, and it underscores why it is so important to tailor our workout routine to align with your specific fitness objectives.
A professional bodybuilder sculpts his body with a focus on aesthetics, symmetry, and stage presentation. His training methodology involves isolation exercises and hypertrophy-focused routines, which are designed to meet these specific criteria.
While these approaches bring a bodybuilder phenomenal result in terms of muscle mass and definition, they may not be the most efficient or practical route for individuals with diverse fitness goals and needs.
Hence, it becomes critical to distinguish between training for aesthetics and training for functional fitness. While bodybuilding-focused routines excel in the former, they may fall short in addressing the latter, which emphasizes movements and exercises enhancing your ability to perform everyday activities efficiently and reducing the risk of injuries.
So, understanding this distinction is super important for you.
It will help you shape a workout routine that aligns with your unique fitness goals.
Health and well-being extend beyond the superficial appearance you don't. Acknowledging this fact will redefine your approach to a healthier, fitter you.
So, the next time you lace up your gym shoes, ask yourself: Am I training like a bodybuilder when I should be preparing for the ‘metaphorical’ football match of my fitness journey?
The answer might just lead you towards a more informed and effective fitness regimen that fits your personal needs, goals and aspirations.
To conclude, the key is in aligning your workout routine with your unique fitness goals.
Understand that health is more than your superficial ‘physical’ appearance.